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About Bridgette Sibanda

  • Academic Level Master’s Degree
  • Age 28 - 32 Years
  • Industry Management
  • Viewed 80

About me

A proactive, result oriented and self-motivated Human Resources professional with refined
interpersonal and multitasking skills seeking a position to help maintain and enhance human
resources productively in an organization, developing strong manpower, identifying talent and
deploying professional training and development programs in order to achieve organizational
goals and fulfill employees’ needs. Versatile in human resources planning, industrial relations,
staff welfare and development, HR Policy implementation and implementing ISO Quality
Management Systems



  • 2021 - Present
    Silo Food Industries

    Human Resources Officer

    Recruitment, selection and retention- interviewing candidates, preparing job
    offers, talent identification and conducting manpower audits amongst other duties.
    • Contract management- tracking employee contract periods and ensuring adherence
    to contractual obligations across the Business.
    • Training and Development- conducting training needs assessments, coordinating
    trainings, evaluation of trainings and coming up with a satisfaction index and develops
    and supervises staff through setting performance targets.
    • Rewards and Staff Welfare Management- processing salaries for Non-Managerial
    employees using Paywell payroll system, ensuring Statutory payments are made on
    time, conducting salary surveys and recognizes and motivates through non-monetary
    • Human Resources Administration- providing administrative support to Line
    Managers, offering and taking on advisory role to Line Managers and maintaining
    employee records.

  • 2018 - 2021
    The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe

    Human Resources Consultant

    Recruitment and Selection – developing adverts, conducting interviews and liaising
    with different recruitment agencies and consultants
    â–ª HR and Organizational Strategy- Coordinating and taking part on the strategy
    • Company Policies and procedures – policy formulation and review in line with the
    Quality Management System.
    ▪ Industrial Relations – liaising with NEC on current labour issues, coordinating Works
    Council meetings and Labour Dispute Resolutions.
    ▪ Staff Welfare – running staff canteen and involved in employee welfare and wellness
    â–ª Staff metrics- analysing staff numbers and coordinating staff metrics.
    â–ª General Administration- Providing good administration to maintain and improve
    company assets and general welfare of employees
    â–ª Human Resources Reports- Providing comprehensive reports to the HR Manager
    • Performance Management- Coordinating and implementing staff performance
    â–ª Contract Management- ensuring contracts are valid, legal and in line with relevant
    Statutory Instruments and prevailing labor laws.

  • 2016 - 2018
    The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe

    Human Resources Graduate Trainee

    Processing salaries and salary queries.
    Involved in the Training and Development of Staff
    Involved in the procurement process.
    Attending to external clients with NSSA related issues
    Involved in the recruitment and selection of new employees
    Involved in the Induction of new employees
    Addressing employee grievances.
    Involved in the disciplinary process and labour dispute resolution
    Assisting in Performance Management.
    Highly involved in Staff welfare issues


recruitment and selection
policy development
planning and organizing
training coordination


