About Ignatius Mabasa
Academic Level Medical
Age 48 - 52 Years
Industry Development
Viewed 437
About me
Ignatius Mabasa is a holder of a PhD in African Languages from Rhodes University, SA. His PhD is the first ever PhD to be written in the Shona language. He is an award winning Shona writer with four novels to date. His novels have been ZIMSEC set textbooks including the fourth Oxford University Press published Ziso rezongororo which is currently being studied as an A’ Level Shona set text.
Ignatius lectures at the University of Zimbabwe in the Department of Creative Media and Communication. He is a versatile content creator, storyteller, essayist and Shona language expert who is on the National Languages Advisory Committee set up by the Government of Zimbabwe to come up with a National Languages Bill. For two years he produced a Ngano radio show on StarFM. In 2017 His Shona film titled Chipo neChipopayi won the Zimbabwe International Film Festival’s Best Short Film Award. He won ZW$2 million for his Digital Ngano project during the 2022 University of Zimbabwe’s Research, Innovation and Industrialisation Week.
Ignatius has been a teaching Fulbright Scholar in the USA. He represented Zimbabwe at the 2009 San Francisco International Poetry Festival. He participated in the translation of the Bible Society’s Shona Study Bible. He also was part of the Shona team that translated the Constitution. Currently he was chosen to translate President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s biography from English into Shona.
2018 - 2020
Rhodes University, South Africa
PhD in African Languages
The first PhD to be written in the Shona language.
1996 - 1998
University of Oslo, Norway
Masters in Media, Democracy and Development
1994 - 1994
University of Zimbabwe
Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Communication
1990 - 1993
University of Zimbabwe
Bachelor of Arts Shona and Linguistics
2017 - Present
University of Zimbabwe
Teaching media and communication studies
Welcoming HE Mnangagwa at the 2020 Graduation ceremony -
2010 - 2010
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Writer and Storyteller in Residence
Honors & awards
University of Zimbabwe Research, Innovation and Industrialisation
ZW$2 million prize money for my digital Ngano project
Best Short Film, Zimbabwe International Film Festival
Animated Shona Ngano film titled Chipo neChipopayi
National Arts Merit Award Best Fiction Book
For Shona novel Imbwa yemunhu
National Arts Merit Award Best Fiction Book
For my Shona novel titled Ndafa Here?
Fulbright Scholarship, USA Government
Taught Zimbabwean Literature in English, Creative Writing and Storytelling
Zimbabwe International Book Fair, Zimbabwe\'s 75 Best Books
My Shona novel Mapenzi received an award as one of Zimbabwe\'s 75 best books of the century.
Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association Best Fiction Book
Awarded for my novel Mapenzi