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About Golden Makaka

  • Academic Level Master’s Degree
  • Age Above 57 Years
  • Industry Development
  • Viewed 366

About me

I am National Research Foundation (NRF) C2 rated full professor of Physics with several published articles, I am an effective communicator, a creative problem solver who always seeks new ways to approach research and teaching. I have in excess of 25 years expertise in teaching and research, for my research, I am involved in modeling and simulation using different software, such as, Python, MATLAB, ECOTECT, RIVERT. My research has been focused but not limited to computational physics methods in energy system design, simulation and modelling, computing heat transfer through models for different building envelopes and different processes such as conduction, radiation and convection using different computer software. Have taught physics to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students. Have also taught bio-physics to nursing BSc students. Have also taught BSc mathematics, which include Real Analysis, Vector Calculus and Numerical Methods. I have initiated, led the designing and implementation of a number of renewable energy projects in South Africa. I have established national and international collaborations in physics and renewable energy research. I oversees and develops the design of the overall curricula in a number of new physics modules, such as, laser physics, digital electronics and bioenergy to keep the physics program relevant to the economic growth; delivers physics courses at undergraduate, graduate levels; develops the Physics Programme overall framework including validation and revalidation of courses, supervise MSc and PhD students, mentored junior staff in the physics department. source research funds, encourages the development of innovative approaches to course design and ensures that teaching designs implemented comply with the quality educational standards and regulations of the department.



  • 2017 - Present
    University of Fort Hare

    Full Professor

    Post Graduate Coordinator in the Physics Department
    Supervision of postgraduate students
    Teaching and coordinating community engagement projects
    Lecturing and mentoring other staff members
    Sourcing research funds
    Establishment of research collaboration with other universities

  • 2013 - 2016
    University of Fort Hare

    Associate professor

    Post Graduate Coordinator in the Physics Department
    Supervision of postgraduate students
    Teaching and coordinating community engagement projects
    Lecturing and mentoring other staff members
    Sourcing research funds
    Establishment of research collaboration with other universities

  • 2009 - 2013
    University of Fort Hare

    Senior Lecturer

    Post Graduate Coordinator in the Physics Department
    Supervision of postgraduate students
    Teaching and coordinating community engagement projects
    Lecturing and mentoring other staff members
    Sourcing research funds
    Establishment of research collaboration with other universities

  • 2009 - 2013
    University of Fort Hare

    Senior Lecturer

    Post Graduate Coordinator in the Physics Department
    Supervision of postgraduate students
    Teaching and coordinating community engagement projects
    Lecturing and mentoring other staff members
    Sourcing research funds
    Establishment of research collaboration with other universities

  • 2007 - 2009
    North West University


    Conducting lectures
    Conducting research

  • 2000 - 2004
    Bindura University


    Conducting lectures
    Conducting research


• Motivational skills to students and promoting creativity and innovation through physics.
I have taught a number of modules at undergrad and postgrad levels, the modules include the following: Advance solid-state physics •Advanced classical mechanics •Advanced electrodynamics •Atmospheric physics Classical mechanics •Computational physics technics •Digital electronics Fibre optics •Laser physics •Mathematical physics •Quantum mechanics •Statistical physics •Thermodynamics •Abstract algebra •Advanced calculus •Biophysics, Discourse and Structures • Fourier analysis and partial differential equations •Linear algebra
Computer system modelling and simulation



Honors & awards

  • 2004


    • Zimbabwe Presidential scholarship, PhD: 2004 – 2007: University of Fort Hare

  • 2005

    PhD conference award

    • Best PhD presentation; SAIP conference 2005

  • 1988 to 1999


    • Zimbabwe government scholarship, MSc: 1998-1999: University of Zimbabwe

  • 1989 , 1990

    Physics Olympiad (Cuba)

    • Best theoretical physics student, 1989, 1990: Cuban Universities Olympiad

  • 1987 - 1992


    • Zimbabwe government scholarship, 1987 – 1992: Cuba
