About Chinje Bwanamidi
Academic Level Degree Bachelor
Age 28 - 32 Years
Industry Management
Viewed 88
About me
I am a highly motivated and self-driven individual who is hardworking, positive towards work, devoted and committed to all aspects of life. An effective communicator, emotionally mature, flexible and proactive team player with commendable planning and organizing skills, very innovative and results oriented. I am adaptive and trainable for any working environment with the ability to apply and contribute theoretical as well as practical knowledge to fulfil a company’s objectives in as far as any work is concerned. I have very strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a diverse and profitable environment in which respectful and effective oral and written communication skills are integral. My good communication skills assist me in building professional relationships and maintain good work ethic. I have also learnt to give positive feedback, and to use it to set my own personal goals for professional and self-improvement