About Primo Makandireki
Academic Level Master’s Degree
Age 43 - 47 Years
Industry Management
Viewed 139
About me
Hard working
Self disciplined
Team Player
- 2021 - 2022
- 2016 - 2018
2012 - 2014
Bindura University of Science of Education
Masters in Peace and Governance
Masters in Peace and Governance
- 2006 - 2010
2022 - Present
Zimbabwe Open University
Faculty Administrator- Faculty of Commerce
As a Faculty Administrator – Faculty of Commerce:
– Providing office support to the Faculty Dean
– Coordinating student registration and queries in the Faculty.
-Working with Administrative Officers in the other units of the University as to meet university goals.
-Assisting in supervising the dispatching, marking of examinations, projects in the departments.
– Services various Committees and Sub Committees of the Faculty
– Assisting in preparing the Faculty budget.
-Participating in regular University projects
-Active in running University activities – such as marketing of
-Advising Faculty Dean on quality services for Faculty Staff and students as to maintain high standards -
2022 - 2022
Zimbabwe Open University
Administration Officer- Post Graduate Office - (RIED)
– Providing office support to the Director -RIED
– Coordinating PHD students in the Faculty.
-Working with Faculties of the University as to meet university goals.
-Assisting in Post Graduate Office administration, including arranging meetings, minute taking.
– Services various Committees of the Post Graduate Research Directorate
– Assisting in preparing the budget of the Unit.
-Participating in regular University projects like conferences and PHD workshops
-Active in running University activities – such as marketing of programmes
-Advising the Director -RITT and PVC -RIED on quality services for University Staff and students as to maintain high standards. -
2021 - 2022
Zimbabwe Open University
Teaching Assistant
As a Teaching Assistant –Department of Psychology duties executed:
-Marking of examinations, assignments, projects, and tutoring.
– Coordinating in Psychology, BLIS, BRAM, SPED programmes.
-Assisting in producing learning material like modules, journals and tutorial power points.
-Assisting in preparing examinations items and assignments.
-Writing Monthly Reports to Chairperson of PSY, RAM/LIS, and SPED
-Participating in regular University projects and attending PHD workshops
-Active in running University activities – such as marketing of programmes like Psychology, BLIS,
BRAM, SPED, DIPD, MSPL and Development Studies.
– Manning, invigilating and sorting written exams
-Advising Regional Administrator on needed services of students to maintain high standards -
2018 - 2021
Zimbabwe Open University
Assistant to Visually Impaired Lecturer
Marking of examinations, assignments, projects, and tutoring.
– Coordinating in Psychology, BLIS, BRAM, SPED programmes.
-Assisting in producing learning material like modules, journals and tutorial power points.
-Assisting in preparing examinations items and assignments.
-Writing Monthly Reports to Chairperson of PSY, RAM/LIS, and SPED
-Participating in regular University projects and attending PHD workshops
-Active in running University activities – such as marketing of programmes like Psychology, BLIS,
BRAM, SPED, DIPD, MSPL and Development Studies.
– Manning, invigilating and sorting written exams
-Advising Regional Administrator on needed services of students to maintain high standards -
2011 - 2017
Zimbabwe Open Unversity
Security Guard Supervisor
-Supervising the security team
-Manning the University items , property and human resources
– Escorting exams , money in transit